We are currently scheduling our summer retreats. Please read below for examples of retreats and experience days we offer. If you would like to be added to our wait list feel free to...
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Events are all 100% nature inspired, getting to know yourself at a deeper level and enjoying the company of like minded people.
Please note if you are looking for a pampered Spa Retreat, these events are not for you.Come to focus completely on your inner self, your thinking habits and changes you will make to support the life of your choice.
If you have the courage to change, then this is for you.
Honesty, respect, kindness and laughter are all on the Menu.
Just come to be yourself. No expectations, no comparisons and no self sabotaging. Bring yourself just as you are.
Spending time in nature will be a large part of your experience. If available, enjoy an Energy Sound Bath with gongs at Sunset :)
Options for Events
Largs by the sea
Through guided Mindfulness and Nature Connection you will gain a deeper understanding and connection with your true self.
Learn to bring awareness to negative habitual thought patterns in order to make changes for new deserving ones.
Learn to let go of that which no longer serves your future vision.
Be self empowered to take the required steps at your pace.
Mindful Yoga on beach, Shinrin Yoku, Relationship Focus, Mindful Eating and Fun.Gentle
This is your time for gentle guided mindfulness, meditation and nature to support you to Just Be, Just Be You.
We will laugh, cry, giggle and smile but importantly, we will do it with kindness and love
Week Experience - It's All About You. Scotland
Gift yourself the experience of real time out to get to know yourself at a deeper level.
The week will be focused on self esteem, self belief and empowerment.
Mindful teachings will be enjoyed at the beach, in the forest and the roaming hills.
Relationships, old habits, labels and your future vision will all be explored.
A day of silence and a day out to explore the Islands nearby will also give time out for reflection.
Spend time with like minded people, laugh at the insanity of our minds and enjoy the air of nature.
Are you defined by your past or your future vision?
Weekend Experience: Let Go and Move Forward Weekend
Part of being alive is experiencing challenges which we will learn from, we will grow from and we will move on from.
ntroduction/Refresher of Mindfulness and a look at whether your mind is in control of you or you are in control of your mind.
In-depth look at your relationship with yourself, with others and in particular, your specific sticking block.
Time will be spent in nature to reflect as well as safe sharing in a small, very like-minded group.
Are you defined by your past or your future vision.
Day Experience: A Day Retreat for a Wee Treat
Take this opportunity to be introduced to Mindfulness within a safe environment or to deepen your existing practice.
With every new breath you are gifted, it is a new opportunity to make a new decision, a new start and a new You.
How easy it is to get our hair done, nails done, have a massage or go to the Gym, however....... what about your mind?
Self care should be a priority, not a luxury.
Weather permitting, we will be on the beach and in the forest.
Come for the day and just relax, enjoy and get to know yourself better.
Digital Detox Day - The World of Mass Distraction
Are you spending too much time looking down at your phone, laptop, tablet, computer etc?
When was the last time you looked up to the sky, down at a flower or even just looked at the face of the person talking with you?
Learn about the personal and social impact of extreme time spent on social media and technology.
Gain simple techniques to help balance your life, regaining a healthier and happier lifestyle.
You can survive without them, I promise :)